Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Iraq War

Arguments about whether we should have gone there in the first place aside, if the United States is to win the war in Iraq, we have to stop being "nice", and get as nasty as the terrorists. They are not "freedom fighters", they are thugs and murderers who cut people's heads off for sport.


Anonymous said...

And we must keep them out of the way in Afghanistan so that the drug companies will have plenty of opium for Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin, and most certainly out of the way in Iraq so Dick Cheney can have his 10:00 oil feeding...that is why Iraq is shaped like a big breast, and Kuwait is shaped like it's nipple, so that Dick can suck the oil dry from the tigris and euphrates milk/oil ducts...only giant farts can ultimately solve these problems...

Anonymous said...

Definition of Taliban: "'s the beast under your your your head" - Metallica - Band - Talli - band - Tali - ban ...

pri said...

That's true. In Iraq there are currently no freedom fighters, neither the insurgents fight for freedom nor the ocupation forces act as they call themselves, Freedom Force.

But the war in Iraq already finished, didn't it? At least I remember the current president of the USA saying something like this on a carrier whith a 'Mission accomplished' banner at his back.

Take a look here and you'll see how 'nasty' both groups of fighters are.