There is something very disturbing going on in society right now, and it's only going to get worse with the prevaling political correctness. It's a general distrust and disrespect of authority not only among youth, but adults as well. Suspects being chased by the police cry and moan when they are finally caught that the officer(s) are "disrespecting" them. Jeez. These same miscreants spit in cops' faces and swear a blue streak. That's respect? If they can't show it to authority, why should they expect it back? (And usually police are relatively respectful of basic human rights when arresting or detaining suspects.) Of course criminals can't be expected to act like civilized people. But what about the rest of us? When I was in school, back in the wacky 60's and 70's, kids were not nearly as out of control as they are now. When teachers try to discipline students these days, they are met with foul language and threats of lawsuits. How did children become like this? From their parents. Now the parents are almost as hard to handle as the kids. Many of them are combative and distrustful of the abilities of today's teachers. I know this because a teacher friend of mine tells me this is happening. And the teachers are not free to discipline the students in any meaningful way. It might "hurt their feelings!" How can kids raised this way become responsible adults? They yell and swear at their teachers and then complain that they are being "disrespected". This crosses all race, income and gender lines. The victim mentality is rapidly spreading. People routinely run red lights because they think the rules don't apply to them. Road rage incidents are increasing all over the country. Drivers cut off by someone fly off the handle because they are being "disrespected." Well, that's life. Tough! Respect is not automatic. It must be earned. On the road you have the right to drive defensively, not offensively. Try telling that to these morons barreling down the road in huge Hummers and the like. I think we are a spoiled society. We piss and moan when things don't go our way. Personally, I am working on my inner rage through therapy. This doesn't make me an expert, just more aware of the situation. In my opinion, therapy might just be the answer for a lot of us, starting at an early age. I wish I had trusted authority enough to get help long before now...
1 comment:
Ahhhh..interesting....I've noticed this phenomenon as well, and wondered why this is...I think there may be a few contributors to the apparent devolution of the case with the kids in the schools, unfortunately, it's not likely alot of them have very good qualified roll models as teachers, since for one thing teachers salaries are so pathetic. People who are really qualified professionals tend to go out in industry instead and make 3 to 5 times the salary (no exaggeration). So teachers tend to not be the best examples for the students, in general (there are definitely exceptions). It's amazing when you watch something like Jay Walking, for instance, how many kids don't even know who the vice president is...Also, I think we've had a lack of good leadership in this country for a long time...this goes beyond politics, I think...even going back at least as far as Nixon, each president gets butchered by their political opposition in the media eventually, and this garbage pours into millions of living rooms every day ... no wonder kids are sceptical of authority...Clinton spent much of his presidency getting smeared for a sex scandal, and all Bush's opponents spend most of their time maligning him for one thing or another. What are kids supposed to think....I know when we grew up, we learned to disrespect authority thanks to things like Vietnam and Watergate...but I agree, there has definitely been a decline in respect and values by kids to authority...what ever can be done...
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