I believe one of the reasons for going into Iraq was to establish military bases there so we could have a strategic presence in the Middle East. With this in mind, I'll bet that after Iraq can stand on its own, Iran is next on the U.S. hit parade. We cannot stand by and let them acquire nukes.
Have you ever wonder that the main reason for Iran to get nukes is to avoid a US invasion? Pakistan is a nuclear power that is growing islamic terrorists and the US keeps an eye on Iran and Syria instead of Pak.
One day US Americans will understand that all these preemtive wars have nothing to do with making a more secure World but with making a market playground for dollars.
I'm thinking it will be North Korea... http://www.chrisdoelle.com/write.htm
...yes, my sensor readings lend me to agree with pri ... I've worked in the defense industry for almost 25 years now, in and around these kind of people, and I can assure you from my experience that wealth, power and domination are the primary motives in their agenda. Telling us that it's all for the good of the American way is the laundered story that they have conjured to try and keep the masses on their side. Money makes the world go 'round, wheather we like it or not. And when people have amassed tons of it, greed normally becomes the obsessive focus of their life...and I'm not knocking it...I'll probebly be that way myself when I'm making millions...we all know the world will just bend you over and screw you if you try and go out and do good...so after you've had enough of that, you can't blame anyone for not giving a damn after they've fought hard to secure themselves....like many of these people have. Of course I can't speak for the ones born into wealth that are this way. I'm not even going to try and get into their heads.... I'll just sit back and let the good Lord issue them their just dessert...If we were really employing our military to keep America out of danger, we wouldn't be concentrating it all just where there is oil in them thar hills (or sand dunes in this case)..I think someone like Harry Truman would have gone after North Korea instead, even though there is no money in it.... And I think we ought to be careful with Iran...doesn't the Bible say that's where the antichrist will come from...Persia? Are we sure we want to piss them off too??? (As if they already aren't...I guess I should say bring them from outrage to indescribeable fury)...I guess if it's all in the name of more wealth, it's ok...
...oh, and if you want to try and figure them out, here's a pretty easy way...just like the crack cocaine addict needs that next hit, the greedy, wealthy, power mongers need that next dollar....perhaps they should start rolling up dollars and stuffing them into a crack pipe...I'll bet they'd go through it faster....
...and perhaps another helpful analogy...I once heard a story of an IV coke addict standing in the middle of her room bleeding from all the places she stuck herself with the needle, but not caring because she was so desperate for more of a high...much the same as the greedy power mongers letting blood spill in Iraq (and soon Iran) as they trudge foreword desperate for more of an oil high....
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