In my opinion, spirituality is different than religiosity. Having been raised a Roman Catholic, I have retained a healthy dose of good old "Catholic Guilt". But my addictive personality rebels against all the rituals. Nothing against Catholicism for those who embrace it; I just believe there are many divergent paths to God. I'll probably spend eons in purgatory for this...
My advice to you, as it was to myself. Find out for your self, it isn't rocket science, buddy. If there is a GOD, and the only way to HIM is through JESUS, then HE should leave a way for you to find it, when you have opposition, and doubt, all around you, right? I think so. GOD bless you.
Yes, I can understand being led to think that way, having been subjected to Catholicism myself. I believe it's not so much that it's complicated, it's just been deliberatly complicated over the ages by the people who have sought to use religion for acquiring power over people. I think this is the perverted way they have expressed their suppressed sexual energy (Freud may back me up on that). Funny how all these religious fanatics seem to have so much trouble with their own sexuality. Christ, they have even tried to force you to think having sex is against the rules.
I don't belive you'll go to purgatory just for utilizing your thought process, and questioning people who have been lying to you, and seeking to use your life just to feel more powerful may just reincarnate here, and be given another shot at finding the right way. Personally, I choose to find the right way this time around, and not let power seeking religious persons force me to spin my wheels trying to advance spiritually so I can make donations to the Jim Bakers of the world and fill the collection plate every week.
I agree there are many divergent paths to God, and that any of them will work if properly exercised. I like the Way Deepak Chopra and Paramahansa Yogananda have found...I believe they are pretty accurate, and I know there are alot of others with that kind of wisdom that are worth following. They know guilt is useless, and they don't try and use it against you. Guilt is just a virus the evil powerful people have manufactured and put out there so they can feel great at the expense of your suffering, It can be reprogramed out of your head. Tony Robbins's Personal Power program has some great techniques for that. He also interviews Deepak Chopra on one of his tapes.
Don't let the power seeking bastards of the world trap you. We're free to step aside and pick our own Sidney Freedman on M*A*S*H used to say..."Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ...getting hung up is the killer....
Oh ya, and a pretty good flick to check out is "Stigmata", if you haven't already seen it. I think there is alot of truth revealed in this movie. They say there were originally 35 gospels, but only 4 made it into the Bible...makes you wonder why the others were left out...The Gospel Of St. Thomas was one of the disgarded...and it included a quote from Jesus, "The Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone...split a piece of wood, and you will find me...lift a stone, and I am there". It's pretty obvious why the Church did not want this to be known, since it would prove Christ said you don't need them....they just want to own your soul...that gives them a's either that or raping the alter boys...that thing in their pants confuses them too much....
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