Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hizzy Fit

Hizballah are terrorists. They use the land Israel gave up in good faith to the Palestinians to stage attacks back on them. They use the land of a weak country, Lebanon, to attack Israel, at the expense of millions of innocent Lebanese. Now Israel is fighting back in a way Hizballah did not anticipate. Should there be a cease-fire? No. You cannot negotiate with terrorists. It will only embolden them. Hizballah cares about nothing and no one. Except, that is, the destruction of Israel. Now the destruction of Hizballah must take place instead.


Anonymous said...

Love is as Love does.

No BS said...

"Time" magazine spells it "Hizbollah" and I'm sure they have a good reason for it. That's good enough for me. Many foreign words are spelled differently when translated into English. Remember Kadafi vs. Gaddafi? As for "Love is as Love does." Pacifism will get us all killed...

Anonymous said...

The Mid East is a big complicated mess .. definitely not black and white .. Hezbollah and Israel are fighting .. Hezbollah is Shiite, and they are backed by Syria out of convenience .. Syria is Sunni .. Iran is in an alliance with Syria .. Iran is Shiite .. Iran is using Hezbollah to deny Israel its right to exist .. meanwhile Hamas, who are Sunni, want Palestine and Israel, and are considered terrorists by the west .. Syria wants to regain the Golan Heights from Israel, which is what puts them in an alliance with Hezbollah .. however, the Sunni's and the Shiite's hate each other .. all the while, Saudi Arabia and Egypt (both mostly Sunni) and are quietly supporting Israel, because they hate Iran .. it sure doesn't look like just east against west here .. but, Iran is clearly using Hezbollah (Shiites both) to attack Israel .. many flavours of hate in many directions .. nice try Jimmy Carter .. bringing peace between Israel and Egypt in '79 in such a complicated situation .. if that good will had only taken root and spread ..

No BS said...

I'm all sweaty just thinkin' about it!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Shiite its not gooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!