Friday, February 06, 2009


Well, well. Obama finally has his stimulus bill. He pretty much rammed it down our collective throats. Most of the public didn't want this. We didn't want it when Bush pushed it last year. So far it hasn't worked. It seems most of the money has gone to CEO perks and company trips to sunny climates. Oh, the latest bill was cut down a bit, but is still outrageous at some 780 billion of our money, which will eventually come due. New total we owe: 2 trillion dollars. Holy shit. So much for bipartisanship, which was promised by our President when he ran for office. So much for the future of this country. So much for "hope, instead of fear." Fear was the main tactic to get this porkfest passed so fast. No help to relieve the mortgage crisis in this bill. Some tax cuts, but mostly just more Democratic pork. Just more BULLSHIT. It's not even a Republican or Democrat thing anymore. Both parties are guilty. It's just politics as usual. We are being sold out. Socialism is coming. Better get ready. You wanted it, America, and now you got it. Happy? Let's see how we feel in a few months. God, I pray this works. But I have a bad feeling. A really bad feeling.


Anonymous said...

So we should keep doing what George Bush did for 8 years? Look out the door and see what that did. Everything the republicans bitched about in this stimulus package ammounted to 2% of it. If tax cuts for the rich worked, it would have worked by now. If you're not happy here, there are other countries to move to.

No BS said...


No BS said...

The Democrats disingenuously leave out that it was during President Clinton's administration that the housing debacle started with loans to formerly unqualified low income people who could not afford to pay them back. President Bush and Senator McCain both called attention to this problem in the early oughts, but nothing was done. And so here we are.