I was raised Catholic; one of the big guilt religions. In dealing with my addiction, I have found it necessary to be spiritual as opposed to pious. I don't often go to church, much to the consternation of my wonderful brother and mother. I am afraid of becoming addicted to organized religion as a substitute for drugs. Besides, I find going to church incredibly boring. I'm yawning just writing this...
Yes, unfortunately most of the western religions have been wrought with politics over the ages. What better way to get you to obey someone than for them to threaten you with eternal damnation. I think you'll find that the religions and philosophies of the east are a little more on the mark. I know I did as I studied them in college. They never try and pressure you to obey them, only appeal to your better judgement. I remember going to one of the priests after church at St Theresa's in Brewer one time when I was about 10, with a few questions. One of them was 'If Jesus died for all our sins and saved us, how can we still sin and go to hell?' I recall that he gave me a long answer which could have just been worded 'I don't know'...the lord moves in mysterious ways??? That's the handy catch all phrase they use whenever you go over their heads...The Baptists seem to handle this dilema quite handily...just put in your time on Sunday, believe it, and you can do anything you want the rest of the time!
Check out "The Higher Self" by Deepak Chopra...available in bookstores everywhere, even on CD and cassette...I think he's got things figured out pretty well....also just about anything by Paramahansa Yogananda, probebly one of the worlds greatest religious philosophers of all time.
Between all the interpretations, scribe biases, and hermeneutics throughout the ages (there wasn't even paper around in the time of Christ...everything was passed down word of mouth for several generations...you know how that can be), it's tough for alot of people to know what to believe, however, there's a pretty easy way to tell what's true and what's bull when it comes to religions...if it bosses you around, it's probebly bullshit....
oh yes, and don't forget fear...they actually go as far as to tell you to "fear God" ...I thought we were supposed to love God...
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