Sunday, April 08, 2007

Christ Has Risen, Why Haven't YOU?

Happy Easter. Now get your ass dressed and go to church. It's the least you can do for our Lord...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, now let me get this straight .. Christ loves every human soul there ever was more than you can imagine, but you can still burn in hell for all eternity .. Both of these contradictory Christian claims cannot be true .. I'll go with the former ..

And also, you only get saved if you decide to believe in him? .. ok .. so Christ experienced X amount of pain on the cross, but the only souls that saves are the ones that randomly decide to believe in him sometime in their lives .. so, based on that, someone can sin like crazy throughout their life, and just believe in Jesus (as the Baptist do) and they will be saved .. also if this is true, how much sin there will be, and how many people decide to just believe in him has to be pre-determined, otherwise Christ will have to go back in time and suffer either more or less than he did on the cross, depending on the final tally of believers .. no wonder they have a hard time getting everyone to bow to their beliefs .. they need to get their facts straight ..

When my dad was on his death bed, a priest came into the ICU and forgave him of all his earthly sins just before he died .. I think I'm going to hang on to that man's phone number ..

Oh I do love Jesus, tremendously even .. but I think I will stick with believing the true things .. and not the man-made scare tactics put there by your random power monger along the way trying to use religion to scare the be-jesus out of you .. what better way to control someones life than to scare you with threats about the destiny of your soul .. I believe those are the kind of people that really need to worry ..

No BS said...

Two words... BIGGUS DICKUS!

Anonymous said...

he's got a wife you know .. Icontinentia ..