From Adrian, Michigan comes the news that Carol Ries, who pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of three glasses of Listerine, was sentenced to two years of probation. Ries actually drank the mouthwash to get drunk and rear-ended another vehicle at a red light in January. Her blood alcohol was more than three times the legal limit. Listerine claims to help bad breath, not bad driving.
...and it was reported that the cop said to her, "and you well better swallow it all...if you let one drop spill I'll whip your ass so hard you won't sit down for a week!!!!!!!"
and then he said "swallow damnit!"
(and it's no surprise that her name is Carol...I know her, her maiden name is Peters, and she recommended me...also, she always uses carrots)
...You can get drunk off Listerine?!
Damn! All I've got is Scope!
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